Look out the 5 Smartphone Trends in 2017 - Advanced Gadget News


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Saturday, 4 March 2017

Look out the 5 Smartphone Trends in 2017

In 2017 many new Smartphone were launching with new features. We also looks for new Smartphones with new features, but this year in 2017, Smartphones from Apple, Samsung, LG, and Google are starting to look more intriguing than ever before.

Thanks to phone like the Pixel and the iPhone 7, there are a number of trends  that companies are looking to implement this year.

In 2017, five smartphones trends are there ...

1. Headphone Jacks

2. 18:9 Aspect Ratio

3. Digital Assistants

4. Dual Cameras

5. Buttons Be Gone

These are the five top trends in 2017. Lets take aa brief note of each ..

1. Headphones Jacks




As almost all phones comes with Headphones Jacks till now, Thanks to Apple,  Apple decision to remove the headphone jacks , and this decisionss of Apple reflect throughout the industry. Even in 2016 we already saw smartphone Like the Moto Z and the iPhone 7 switch over completely digital and wireless audio even samsung also had.

We already saw phones like Samsung  Galaxy S8 and the iPhone 8 will be completely without headphone jacks,  but instead of that there is other features of that. In addition to the removal of headphone jacks, you'll also see nearly flagship Android phones moving to USB-C ports, which was a big trends last year 2016.

2. 18:9 Aspect Ratio




We haven't used this yer, but LG G6 is the first smartphones  with an aspect ration of 18:9. Most of the phones have a 16:9 aspect ratio, but in 2017 many phones will launched with aspect ration 18:9. so wait for it...

3. Digital Assistants




This year don't be surprised to see Brand likes Samsung and Apple double down on Machine learning and better digital assistants. This is primarily due to the introduction of Google Pixel and Google's incredible Google Assistant late last year 2016. Google is make Strides continuously to increase both the accuracy and functionalities of it's google assistant and also other companies going to keep up.

4. Dual Cameras




In 2017, we're going to see the rest of the smartphones which has dual camera setup on their back as LG and Huawei has which later followed by Apple last year. The iPhone dual camera is used  to both to create a bokeh effects and for an analogue zoom. 

In 2017, not only we are going to see a dual camera but also the advance functionalities, allowing these camera to do more than a single camera could ever do.

5. Buttons Be Gone


As per the leaked reports of the iPhone 8 and Samsung Galaxy S8, we are going to see smartphones manufactures headed in the way of smaller bezels and bigger screens. The size of the home button has mode the iPhone's to jump to a big Screen. But this year 2017, Apple is looking to fix that problem with reports pointing to the facts that the iPhone 8 will be get ride of the Home button in favour of the smaller phone with a bigger screen.


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